Think this not that | Aaron & James Podcast

Feb 19, 2025    Aaron Neff, James Rathmann

In the 4th Century an Egyptian Monk named Evagrius of Pontus gained a reputation as an object of fear among the demons. His friend and fellow monk wrote to Evagrius requesting a treatise concerning "the fight against beings of darkness" so that "we, your friends, might easily cast off from ourselves those evil suggestions of theirs." Evagrius' reply is a taxonomy of spiritual warfare laid out in the simplest of terms. Evagrius demonstrates a thought that a demon would encourage us to believe, and then pairs it with the appropriate response of scripture. Following the pattern of Jesus' combat with Satan in the desert Evagrius takes up the word of God to cut off the thoughts of sin and temptation. In this episode of the Podcast, Aaron and James talk through the effect of the book and the encouragement to take up the word as our chief weapon against sin.

Talking Back: A Monastic Handbook for Combating Demons, by Evagrius of Pontus. Amazon Link